Create your own sourdough starter

Easy step by step instructions to make your very own sourdough starter!

Day 1- combine 50g flour and 50 g water in a glass jar and stir well.  Leave in a warm place, out of direct sunlight, covered with a cloth.

Day 2- Feed your starter 50g flour and 50g water. Mix this well with yesterday's mix and keep in a warm place. 

Day 3- Pour 50g of the starter into a clean jar and feed it 50 grams flour and 50 grams water. Discard the rest.


Day 4-  Pour 50g of the starter into a clean jar and feed it 50 grams flour and 50 grams water. Discard the rest.

The discard starter can be saved in a seperate jar to use in discard recipes!

 By day 3 or 4, your starter might be bubbling and have a slightly sour smell. A rubber band around the jar will show if it has risen.

Days 5-10: each day pour 50g of the starter into a fresh jar and feed it 50 grams flour and 50 grams water. Discard the rest.

If your starter is doubling easily by day 6 or 7, within 6 hours of feeding, you can start feeding it  twice daily. By day 10 your starter might be ready to use!

Sourdough starter can be used to make all sorts of delicious baked   goods! Check out the link for more info!